About ToolsHiv.com

ToolsHiv.com is Build with ❤️ by Ashish Kumar. Inspired by success of many entreprenurs making it big on the Internet, Ashish started this website and dedicated building a few high-quality, freely available tools and resources on the internet. The primary objective of this website is to provide a comprehensive collection of online calculators for public use without any cost.

Our Calculators

The calculators on this site are categorized into multiple sections: Mortgae & Real Estate, Tax and Salary, Investment, Auto, Retirement, Fitness and others. All of the calculators have been developed in-house by Ashish. Some calculators incorporate open-source JavaScript components under various open-source licenses. More than 90% of the calculators are based on well-established formulas or equations from textbooks.

More than 99% of the descriptive content on our website has been developed in-house, with a small portion of content obtained from wikipedia.org  under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Ownership and Operation

A K Softwares, Jaipur, India owns and operates this website .

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out via email at : [email protected] or Tweet to Ashish Kumar

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I link from my website to a calculator on ToolsHiv.com ?

A: Yes, you are welcome to link to any page on ToolsHiv.com from your website.

Q: How should I send suggestions or report problems?

A: We appreciate and welcome any suggestions and bug reports. Please write to us by sending email to us, The email address is provided above in the Contact Us section. If your inquiry pertains to a specific calculator, kindly include the URL of the calculator and the parameters you used.

Q: Do you have an API for the calculators?

A: Unfortunately, we do not currently offer an API for our calculators.